Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let's Play: Dead Space 2 S1

My very first Let's Play. I spent allot of time thinking about what game to play, I wanted it to be completely blind, but there aren't any interesting games I could think of, or Steam offered that I didn't already owned/played through. I was torn between Dead Space 2 and Alice: The Madness Returns.

I still haven't finished Alice, so it was my first choice, but I had a ton of trouble recording, and since I lack a HD capture card for the Xbox, and I'd hate to release crap resolution footage, it's been postponed.

Production wise it went pretty horrible, and I'm not satisfied with the end result at all, but the start is there I suppose. For the next set I'll be lowering the game audio ever so slightly so my voice doesn't get drowned out. I also need to stop mumbling to myself, but I'm finding it a real challenge to commentate in English, given Dutch is my primary language. I think it's reflected more heavily in my speech then in my writing tho I imagine it's noticeable in both.

Dead Space 2 is probably one of my favorite games of all time, it's full of cheap scares and the plot is sorta not really there, but I like the games setting and Isaac as a character actually displays some growth during the game. 

The next set should be uploaded tomorrow-ish, unless my internet craps out again.

For those interested, all video's will be found on

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